The Spirit of Wipro is the core of Wipro… the Spirit is rooted in current reality, but it also represents what Wipro aspires to be – thus making it future active.

The Spirit is an indivisible synthesis of all three statements. It means manifesting intensity to win, acting with sensitivity and being unyielding on integrity all the time.

Intensity to Win [ Make customers successful | Team, Innovate, Excel ]

  • This is the desire to stretch, to achieve that which seems beyond our grasp. This is aiming for maximum. This is the ardour to do our best, the hunger to be the best. This is the devotion to challenging our limits, it is about realizing our potential, and about expanding our potential.
  • It is not about winning at all costs. It is not about winning every time. It is not about winning at the expense of others.
  • It is about working together to create synergy. It is realising that I win when my team wins; my team wins when Wipro wins; and Wipro wins when its customers win, when its stakeholders win.
  • It is about innovating all the time. It is a continuous endeavour to do better than last time.
  • It is the Spirit of fortitude, the Spirit of never letting go… ever.
Act with Sensitivity [ Respect for the individual | Thoughtful and responsible ]

  • At its highest vision, respect for the individual is unqualified. The core of this sensitivity lies in understanding that every being, however different, is equal. The spirit of democracy underlies our notion of sensitivity… we believe in a society where each citizen sees the ethic of equity, the essentiality of diversity, the ethos of justice, and is thus driven to social action. It is seeing each of us is inextricably embedded in the same social fabric.
  • The other source of respect is trust. Trusting that every individual is driven by learning, that each individual would like to grow, that every individual strives for a meaningful life and is intrinsically driven to do his/her best. Therefore, true respect means creating conditions in which every individual grows to realise his/her promise and potential.
  • We are responsible for, and have an obligation to live in harmony with, our ecological environment. We should actively act to preserve nature, and refrain from any action that harms ecology.
  • Thus, when I act with thoughtfulness, act responsibly, act with empathy… I act with sensitivity.
Unyielding Integrity [ Delivering on commitments | Honesty and fairness in action ]
  • Integrity is a commitment to searching for and acting on the truth. “Truth” is a word with many manifestations – it means keeping one’s word; it also means understanding and realising one’s highest vision of oneself.
  • On integrity, there will be no compromise… we will always act to establish the foremost standards of honesty and fairness.
  • Integrity is a beacon. It is what guides us, gives us direction… it is not a straitjacketing laundry list of do’s and don’ts.
  • Integrity is being ethical beyond doubt. It is living the law of the land in spirit. It is what will give us the confidence to stand up to any scrutiny.
  • I am the litmus test of my integrity. For integrity is the manifestation of conscience.